Lucid dreams and dream telepathy may be a tool for intentional SETI

SETI stands for the Search for ExtraTerrestrial Intelligence and is the name of a scientific movement and institute dedicated to the search for extraterrestrial intelligence.  The basic notion is that there may be intelligent and technological life like we know it in the universe, which we might detect through monitoring for signals of their technology.  SETI typically uses radio waves as a means to search for and send signals.  Mainstream science has not yet acknowledged an intelligent signal.

HICE stands for Human Initiated Contact Experience, which is an experimental protocol to test the hypothesis that ETs or nonhuman intelligences (NHIs) may respond to human intention and invitation for contact.  HICE is synonymous with CE-5, which stands for Close Encounters of the 5th Kind and is associated with Dr. Greer. Most experiments use a form of ritual mindfulness and focusing of intent, then a period of observation.  Phenomena typically observed include lights in the sky, manifestations of light beings, photographic and electrical anomalies, and telepathic or other psi experiences. 

DSETI puts forward the hypothesis that dream telepathy may be an effective tool for SETI and HICE.  The only peer reviewed paper on dream telepathy as a SETI instrument suggested the use of geometry to authenticate the signal.  Other SETI theorists suggest that geometry may be a universal language for SETI.  DSETI documents and analyzes dream and HICE associated manifestations of anomalous geometry, such as through body marks typically called "abduction marks" and photographs or videos of UAPs.

DSETI advocates for the integral study of NHI and UAP, which is expressed in the integral studies based book Galethog the Grey's Field Guide to Anomalous Geometry by Daniel Rekshan and supported by his academic research papers.  DSETI maintains the ETolemy open source tools for the geometric analysis of UAP videos.

Key Concepts

  • SETI may be able to use dream telepathy for nonlocal communication with NHI
  • Dream telepathy between humans has been validated by meta analysis of many trials
  • Dream telepathy with NHI may be validated through geometry
  • The history of mathematics is associated with dreamlike interactions with entities who teach math
  • The intention to have an alien encounter within a lucid dream or OBE produces similar narratives as genuinely reported bedroom alien abductions
  • Human Initiated Contact Experiences have yield UAP documentation that contains Euclidean Constructive Geometry
  • There is a geometric body mark phenomenon that is associated with light orb UAPs and entity encounter dreams
  • Lucid dreaming authenticated by the manifestation of anomalous geometry, as body mark or light orb UAP, may be an effective tool for SETI

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