Dear Reader,
Thank you for being open to the notion that you are divine, God, creator, source, universe, or whatever you want to call it. You are everything, all at once. This world is a dream and you are its dreamer. I know it might be hard to wrap your mind around the fact that your deepest identity is with divinity.
You probably have all sorts of questions, that’s okay. It turns out, I don’t have any of the answers and you probably won’t find them in this book. What you will find is a set of techniques and tools that I have used to contemplate my own divinity.
Maybe you’ll be inspired to meditate, dream, or imagine. You’ll find your answers in your own experience. That’s what this book is about and that’s what this whole universe is about. It’s all about you discovering that you are eternally all things experiencing everything. See what I mean, it’s almost impossible to write about.
Thank you for exploring this path here and now. There’s so much going on in the world out there that it’s really easy to forget who we truly are. When we contemplate our divine identity, we invite peace, creativity, and unity consciousness into our society. Thank you for making this world just a little more divine, our children will appreciate your work.
I pray that you realize your own true nature as divine.
Many blessings to you,
Daniel Rekshan
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