Missing Time is Dream-like

Missing Time is Dreamlike

Missing time is one of the most important and elusive phenomenon associated with UFO/UAP and ET/NHI contact.  Missing time episodes typically involve sensing a UFO or ET and then experiencing a gap in chronological time or else a highly strange or dreamlike memory.

There are many hypotheses regarding missing time.  Most assume that the episodes involve tampering with the encoding of memory, either by the ETs or by the experiencer's unconscious mind. UFO/UAPs appear to move through and outside of our local spacetime, which means that memory encoding may not happen as expected within Cartesian space.

Experiencers work with their missing time memories in a variety of ways.  Typically, experiencers with either spontaneously remember the contents of their missing time episode or they work with a hypnotist to undergo hypnotic regression for memory enhancement.  D-SETI puts forward the hypothesis that hypnotic missing time regressions are actually dreamlike experiences and not directly memories.

The only universal precedent for missing time is unremembered dreaming

Everyone dreams every night and experience fantastic events with strange creatures, yet we rarely remember what we do in our dreams.

Some people think mind control or trauma repression are the most appropriate model for missing time.  However, most people overlook the significance of dreams within materialistic and monophasic cultures.

Everyone who has ever dreamed and not remembered it has experienced something identical to UAP/NHI-associated missing time.  The only difference is the experiencer has an intuition the episode is meaningful and that there is some level of corroborating evidence something extraordinary happened.

Hypnotic regression is dreamwork, not memory enhancement

Hypnosis behaves like a dream, not like memory, and that's not a problem if you don't care about objective evidence

Hypnosis has many problematic issues when used for memory enhancement.  It has been clearly shown to create false memories.  We don't even know if there are physically encoded memories or if historic and objective events happened during the missing time episode, so it doesn't make sense to think of it like forgotten memories.

The only thing science seems to be clear on regarding hypnosis is that it can induce a state of relaxation like a nap and be used to invite dreamlike experiences.  Dreams are demonstrated to be psionic, meaning that they sometimes tell the future, provide nonlocal knowledge, or even miraculous healings.  Hypnosis might be effective because dreams are effective.

Missing time narratives are dreamlike

The stories people tell about ETs and UFOs are dreamlike in nature

Missing time stories are full of fantastic beings like space aliens who can:

  • telepathically communicate
  • move the UFO/UAP through spacetime
  • perform technical procedures involving the experiencer
  • construct virtual-reality-like environments
  • project visions with similar messages as shamanic dreams

The only thing different about missing time stories and dreams is that the missing time story is associated with an intuition that the experience was "real".

However, materialist and monophasic cultures do not honor the psychical reality of dreams.  Therefore, most experiencers in the West must face the dilemma to admit the experience is real and not a dream or unreal and dream.

Shamanic dreaming and polyphasic cultures that honor the psychical reality of dreams acknowledge that these experiences may be both dreams and real.

Want to learn more?

Make sense of dreams by learning and practicing.  D-SETI e-courses include:

  • Practices to help you remember, record, and interpret your dreams
  • Lectures that present research-based inquiries
  • Bibliographies to help you continue your learning journey
  • Question and Answer with Daniel to deepen your learning journey

Take the free e-course, D-SETI Overview: Dreamwork for ET/NHI Contact.
