Solve problems by dreaming

Did you know that you can solve problems just by dreaming about them? It’s a process called dream incubation. You think about your problem before bed, then intend to have a dream that solves it. Scientists, philosophers, and artists have found inspiration in their dreams and so can you. The topic of dream incubation connects [Read more…]

Solve problems by dreaming

Lucid dreams and OBEs can emulate alien abduction and UFO encounters

How can you tell the difference between dreams and reality? People who have considered the alien abduction phenomenon know that the boundary between dreams and reality is blurred. Abduction researchers assert that the dreamlike experiences are real, while skeptical researchers assert they are nothing more than fantasy and sleep paralysis. Dream and out of body [Read more…]

Lucid dreams and OBEs can emulate alien abduction and UFO encounters

Bledsoe’s UFO of GOD is likely a Satellite (Intelsat 29E)

In May, 2022, David Broadwell organized the First Annual UAP Consciousness Connection conference, which was held at but not run by the Monroe Institute. It brought together experiencers like Dan Berg (my first missing time client) and Chris Bledsoe, academics like Darren King, and “government scientists” to film and study the phenomenon. They spent a [Read more…]

Bledsoe’s UFO of GOD is likely a Satellite (Intelsat 29E)

The Paradoxical Compass

This video defines and documents the novel UAP footage analysis technique based on the computational analysis of each video frame and the production of graphics proportioned to ruler-and-compass geometric drawing and analysis. Seven UAP analyses are presented here:    • UAP Geometry: A D…   The analysis and case files are published in the open-source project ETolemy available here:…

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The Paradoxical Compass

D-SETI Overview

The world of dreams and ET/NHI contact is confusing. There’s a lot of information out there, but not a lot of it adds up to an objective picture of the world. How are we to make sense of the strange tales of ET/NHI contact and the bizarre logic of dreams? D-SETI offers simple informational briefings [Read more…]

D-SETI Overview