Shamanic dreaming is a natural worldview that believe dreams are real events that have real consequences in our lives. Everyone can relate to dreams in a way that provides insight and meaning. Everyone can negotiate with the dream for their benefit. This paper is a cross cultural study of shamanic dreaming cultures. It outlines principles [Read more…]
Solve problems by dreaming
Did you know that you can solve problems just by dreaming about them? It’s a process called dream incubation. You think about your problem before bed, then intend to have a dream that solves it. Scientists, philosophers, and artists have found inspiration in their dreams and so can you. The topic of dream incubation connects [Read more…]
Lucid dreams and OBEs can emulate alien abduction and UFO encounters
How can you tell the difference between dreams and reality? People who have considered the alien abduction phenomenon know that the boundary between dreams and reality is blurred. Abduction researchers assert that the dreamlike experiences are real, while skeptical researchers assert they are nothing more than fantasy and sleep paralysis. Dream and out of body [Read more…]
The definition of dreams may involve waking states like day-dreams and a variety of distinct experiences
When a working group of scientists got together in 2001 to define “dreams”, they were unable to provide a single definition. Rather, they recommended a wide definition of dreams that extended beyond nocturnal hallucinations to include waking states and spectrums related to recall and content.
[Read more...]Alien Abduction is a Special Dream Phenomenon with Anomalous Physical Effects
Abstract Alien abduction is a special type of dream phenomenon with anomalous physical effects. The most influential definition was published as the UFO Abduction Syndrome in Unusual Personal Experiences (Mack et al., 1992), a booklet sent by Bigelow Holding Corporation to 100,000 mental health professionals and a basis for the literary success of abduction literature [Read more…]
Alien Abduction Believer Syndrome
Abstract A new interpretation of the UFO Abduction Syndrome, defined in the 1992 Unusual Personal Experiences booklet, in the context of subsequent research, suggests that there is a syndrome associated with belief in alien abduction that may manifest in false memories, paranoid thoughts, fear, anxiety, and PTSD. This report defines the Alien Abduction Believer Syndrome [Read more…]
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