What is the connection between UFOs and the belief in aliens?

Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick hunted UFOs for the US Government as the former director of the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office or AARO. In what may be his last interview on the subject of UFOs, now called Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon or UAPs, Kirkpatrick described some future psychology PhD thesis that might address the question: why do some [Read more…]

What is the connection between UFOs and the belief in aliens?

Lucid dreams and OBEs can emulate alien abduction and UFO encounters

How can you tell the difference between dreams and reality? People who have considered the alien abduction phenomenon know that the boundary between dreams and reality is blurred. Abduction researchers assert that the dreamlike experiences are real, while skeptical researchers assert they are nothing more than fantasy and sleep paralysis. Dream and out of body [Read more…]

Lucid dreams and OBEs can emulate alien abduction and UFO encounters

Alien Abduction is a Special Dream Phenomenon with Anomalous Physical Effects

Abstract Alien abduction is a special type of dream phenomenon with anomalous physical effects. The most influential definition was published as the UFO Abduction Syndrome in Unusual Personal Experiences (Mack et al., 1992), a booklet sent by Bigelow Holding Corporation to 100,000 mental health professionals and a basis for the literary success of abduction literature [Read more…]

Alien Abduction is a Special Dream Phenomenon with Anomalous Physical Effects

Alien Abduction Believer Syndrome

Abstract A new interpretation of the UFO Abduction Syndrome, defined in the 1992 Unusual Personal Experiences booklet, in the context of subsequent research, suggests that there is a syndrome associated with belief in alien abduction that may manifest in false memories, paranoid thoughts, fear, anxiety, and PTSD.  This report defines the Alien Abduction Believer Syndrome [Read more…]

Alien Abduction Believer Syndrome

The Lurid Secret History of Alien Abduction Research: Why abductology is a pseudo-science with harmful conclusions.

Featured image photo from Wikimedia Commons with description “Hopkins and Mack jointly conduct hypnotic regression on a young Turkish woman, Istanbul, 1999”. If you prefer video content, please view my reading of this article on Youtube. Where is the physical evidence for alien abduction and why do people keep saying it exists? This article presents [Read more…]

The Lurid Secret History of Alien Abduction Research: Why abductology is a pseudo-science with harmful conclusions.

UAP Crash Narratives as Iteration of 1990s Alien Abduction Research Conspiracy

What is the legacy of the UFO Abduction Syndrome defined in 1992 by an extraordinarily funded research effort between Robert Bigelow, Hans-Adam II, Prince of Liechtenstein, and three best-selling abduction authors? In 1992, the alien abduction research community defined the UFO Abduction Syndrome on the basis of the 1991 Unusual Events Survey by the Roper [Read more…]

UAP Crash Narratives as Iteration of 1990s Alien Abduction Research Conspiracy