SETI and Noetic Science

SETI is the Search for ExtraTerrestrial Intelligence, which you might remember from the movie Contact by Carl Sagan.  SETI typically uses radio telescopes to search for signals of a technological extraterrestrial civilization.  Scientists imagine that a conversation may take place between humans and extraterrestrials using radio waves that encode messages.  The conversations may happen at light-speed, which may require generations to complete.

Noetic science in an emerging field of science that is focused on the mind or consciousness.  The world noetic comes from "noos", which means mind and contrasts with the root of the word "phenomenon".  Noetic science invites us to integrate objective observations of phenomenon with research methods based in consciousness.

The History of SETI

What is an ET signal and how is it identified?

You might be familiar with SETI through the movie Contact by Carl Sagan.  The protagonist Ellie, played by Jodie Foster, discovers an alien radio signal by identifying the Fibonacci Sequence.  The decoded message includes plans for a machine, which appears to teleport Ellie to a distant star-system in a dream-like experience.

The roots of modern SETI efforts may be traced to the 1800s or even earlier when scientists and industrialists burnt huge piles of combustibles in the hopes of producing a light signal that could be seen on neighboring planets.

Today, SETI scientists look for signals of technology through radio and optical telescopes.  Most theorists suggest that communication with ETs could happen through the universal language of mathematics.

Dream Telepathy as Research Instrument

Conversation with ET could be happening right now in dreams

A conversation with ET through radio waves will happen at the speed of light, which will take generations for even the closest identified exo-planets.  However, telepathy is a nonlocal phenomenon that appears to happen instantaneously, or even beyond time.  

A conversation with ET may be happening right now in someone's dreams.  Meta analyses demonstrates that dream telepathy is real, albeit difficult to control or interpret.  6.5% of people have dreamed of ETs.  It appears possible to have a lucid dream about ETs that is indistinguishable from reported ET/NHI contact phenomenon.

What if we could talk with ETs right now through dreams?  We often imagine that our dreams are unreal or illusory.  However, many cultures have strong traditions of honoring dream reality through interpretation and ritual.

Geometry as integral knowledge

Dreams are real and complex, how can we discern universal truths?

The problem with dreams as a means of knowledge is that they are very personal and require interpretation.  Even if dream telepathy is real, even if ETs talk through it, how can we objectively prove that ET/NHIs are real? It appears that the testimony of thousands of sane individuals is not sufficient proof for the ET/NHI contact phenomenon.  Many people ask for video and photographic evidence of UAP craft or NHI beings.  

The Fermi Paradox exemplifies this question: if ETs are real, then why haven't we seen them?  Some theorists suggest that we do see them, but they are unrecognized.  Others suggest that the ET/NHIs limit their interaction with mainstream culture according to a Star Trek-like non-interference principle.

SETI traditionally uses mathematics as a universal language, but expects that ETs would a) use a material/physical technology to send the signal and b) the signal would encode meaning through binary or pictographic codes. D-SETI puts forward the hypothesis that ET/NHI communication happens a) primarily in mind or dream and b) through the universal language of consciousness, and c) directly through mind-to-mind communication without encoding or abstraction.

D-SETI puts forward two technologies with strong historic precedents for mind-to-mind communication of meaning: 1) Euclidean Constructive Geometry and 2) mandala as an object of meditation.   Euclidean geometry arises directly from the categories of space and time and any presentation of geometry directly communicates mathematical meaning, which requires no level of abstraction or encoding.  Mandala mediations are used by all religions and many psychologists as a means of transpersonal communication.

The presentation of Euclidean Constructive Geometry within NHI or UAP encounters may serve as a bridge between material and mental realms or the objective and subjective domains of meaning.
